The Good, the Bad, and the Erotic AI Character Art

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~ Graceland After Dark ~ Zodiac Headquarters

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~Aquarius (Aqua)~

Pronunciation: Uh - kwear - ee - us 

Short Name: Ah - qwa 


Species: Celestial Being 

Birthplace: Uranus 

Sign: Aquarius 

Occupation: Zodiac Princess of the Eleventh House at Zodiac Headquarters 

Positive Traits: Assertive, Clever, Innovative  

Negative Traits: Temperamental, Aloof, recklessly impulsive

*Fun fact: This AI photo is a whimsical version of an original photo I took. *

*Easter Scavenger Hunt Early Access! *

If you can find the OG photo of me (like the one above) and send it to me, I'll give you a PDF of one of my books to read🤫

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~ Saviche (Sav') ~

Pronunciation: Suh- vee - chay 

Short name: " Sav' " (as in Savage) 


Species: Fallen Angel Descendant 

Birthplace: Graceland 

Sign: Leo 

Occupation: Darchangel (Inherited) 

Positive Traits: Determined, Confident, Charismatic 

Negative Traits: Egotistical, Pretentious, Possessive

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~ Cael ~

Pronunciation: Kyle 

Short Name: None (He's just Cael) 


Species: Fallen Angel Descendant 

Birthplace: Graceland 

Sign: Cancer 

Occupation: Covert Darchangel (Inherited) disguised as a Celestial Being 

Positive Traits: Observant, Proactive, Imaginative 

Negative Traits: Obsessive, Manipulative, Clingy

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~ Raguel (Rag) ~

Pronunciation: Rock-Well 

Short name: Rag (sounds like "Rock")  

TRITAGONIST & Aqua's older Brother

Species: Celestial Being/Angel 

Birthplace: Uranus 

Sign: Sagittarius 

Occupation: Archangel/Watcher- Keeps the "Fallen Ones" in check  

Positive Traits: Non-judgmental, Self-assured, Honest 

Negative Traits: Boastful, Opinionated, Reckless